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Top Tips for Securing Your Business From Digital Threats

    October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month and is a timely reminder for every business to bolster their defenses against the ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats. At KT Connections, we understand that establishing strong cybersecurity processes can be overwhelming, especially when you’re focused on running your business. That’s why we’re here to help.

    Below are key tips to help you protect your business and its data from malicious attacks. Then take the time to enhance your company’s security measures this Cybersecurity Awareness Month.

    Tip #1: Strengthen Your Passwords

    In the realm of cybersecurity, your passwords are like the locks on your doors. If these locks are weak or easily compromised, your entire security system is at risk. Weak or repetitive passwords are easy targets for cybercriminals and could make you more vulnerable to account loss and tampering.

    A business should encourage the use of strong, unique, passwords for all accounts and systems used.

    A Strong Password is Your First Line of Defense Against Cybercriminals

    A strong password should be a complex mix of letters (both uppercase and lowercase), numbers, and special characters. Avoid using information that can be easily guessed like birthdays or employee names. Each password should be distinct to ensure that if one is compromised, others remain secure. Employees should also turn on Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) where available to add an extra level of security to their accounts.

    Robust passwords can provide a crucial first line of defense and stop malicious actors in their tracks if implemented properly. The use of a password manager can help keep employees organized and protect high-security passwords through the use of controlled access.

    Tip #2: Control Access with Role-Based Permissions

    Another crucial step to safeguard your business from top to bottom is to implement role-based access controls. By following the principle of least privilege, you ensure that each employee only has access to information and systems necessary for their specific job.

    For instance, sensitive data such as employee social security numbers and banking information should be accessible only to a limited number of authorized individuals who have the necessary training to handle this information securely. Conversely, less sensitive resources, like the team lunch calendar or company-wide Teams channels, should be readily available to everyone in the organization. This approach helps to minimize the risk of unauthorized access and ensures that critical information is protected appropriately.

    Establishing a clear hierarchy of information and permissions can go a long way to securing your data and protecting your business from phishing attacks and data thieves.

    Tip #3: Keep Software and Hardware Updated

    Updating software is one of the simplest ways to ensure you protect yourself from cybercrime. Just like patching a hole in your clothes, updating software fills the holes in your security and keeps the eyes of the world out of your private business. Hackers love to find vulnerabilities in commonly used programs and use their knowledge of the program code to write malware that can take control of a computer’s files and hold them for ransom. They will often target vulnerabilities that have already been addressed by the software provider but they bank on the public neglecting to update the software either due to negligence or hardware limitations.

    Updating and Upgrading Your Computer's Hardware Can Help Improve Security

    While you don’t need to have the fanciest computer to be secure, you should also be aware when technology becomes obsolete and needs to be replaced. Typically software providers will stop providing support for models that fall outside of a designated date window. By keeping your operating systems, applications, and antivirus software up-to-date, you significantly reduce the risk of such vulnerabilities being exploited. Make it a routine practice to check for and install updates across all your software platforms. Consider setting up automatic updates where possible to streamline this process and reduce the likelihood of missing critical patches.

    Tip #4: Create and Securely Store Data Backups

    Establishing a reliable data backup system is a critical component of any business’s IT infrastructure. Data loss can be devastating to your business’s reputation, customer relationships, and operations. Whether caused by cyberattacks, hardware failure, or an employee accidentally saving over critical files, data loss can drastically impact your bottom line. Without a proper backup strategy, businesses risk losing vital components of their operation that can hinder performance and lead to greater issues down the line.

    KT Connections recommends following the 3-2-1 backup strategy: keep three copies of your data, store two on different media, and one off-site or in the cloud. This approach ensures that a business can recover from data loss quickly, even if the worst happens. With managed IT solutions from an MSP you can set up automated backups, monitor their integrity, and ensure that your data remains accessible and secure.

    IT professional replacing a disk drive in a server at a datacenter.

    Tip #5: Develop and Test a Disaster Recovery Plan

    In the modern age having a disaster recovery plan isn’t just best practice, it’s a necessity. A disaster recovery plan is a formal approach for staff to follow that outlines how to respond to and recover from a cybercrime incident, natural disaster, or simply human error.

    Plan development starts by establishing clear rules around incident identification. Define what constitutes an incident and what procedures need to be in place for reporting it. This step can include the implementation of monitoring tools and alert systems.

    Next, assign clear roles and responsibilities to team members and outline how information should be communicated internally and externally for a calm and efficient response. This might include a lead incident responder, communications manager, IT specialists, and legal advisors. The employees assigned these roles will then be in charge of communicating any progress that gets made to relevant staff, regulatory bodies, and customers if necessary.

    A professional team with clear roles and tasks in place works to stop a cybersecurity breach

    Finally, develop concise response procedures for containing, eradicating, and recovering from the incident. This plan should include how to isolate the affected systems, remove malware, and restore data backups. All steps should be documented and saved in a record for compliance analysis and future reference.

    Once you have a plan in place, it is important to test and update your plan to ensure it remains effective and relevant as your business grows.

    Tip #6: Educate Employees on Security Best Practices

    Even with all the tips and tricks in the world, your cybersecurity is only as strong as the people implementing it. Your employees are on the front lines against the cyber threats that target your business, and many successful cyberattacks, particularly phishing scams, exploit human error. That’s why it’s essential to provide regular training on cybersecurity best practices and how to recognize potential threats.

    Phishing scams often disguise themselves as legitimate communications, aiming to trick employees into sharing sensitive information or downloading malicious software. To prevent these attacks, employees should be trained to look out for red flags such as unfamiliar email addresses, unsolicited attachments, and urgent requests for immediate action.

    Implementing regular cybersecurity training can help your employees recognize the dangers they face online and give them the knowledge and skills to avoid common security pitfalls. By creating a culture of security awareness, businesses can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to cyberattacks and scams.

    A row of employees takes online security training to improve their awareness and help spot cyber threats.

    By putting the tips we discussed into practice and partnering with a trusted MSP like KT Connections, you can work to protect your business from the cybercriminals that continue to evolve as technology progresses.

    To discuss your  IT needs or upgrade your cybersecurity, contact the expert team at KT Connections.